HK Philharmonic: Wagner's Siegfried

January 19 (6pm) & 22 (3pm)

With parts 1 and 2 already huge critical and audience successes, the HK Phil launches part 3 of The Ring of the Nibelung, Wagner’s supreme operatic masterpiece. Maestro van Zweden again leads immense orchestral forces and world-class singers to mount this enduring legend—the first orchestra in the region to bring the experience to you. Continue your journey into the world of gods, dwarves, warrior maidens, and the superhero Siegfried, who forges his father Siegmund’s shattered sword, kills a fierce dragon, and, with the help of a forest bird, rushes off to the Magic Fire-encircled rock where the incomparable heroine Brünnhilde sleeps. He awakens her … with a kiss, leading to a breathtaking love duet. Nothing compares to the glory of these voices and the sheer power of the orchestra.

Details at




HK Philharmonic: a New Year's Eve Celebration

December 30 & 31, 8pm

Ring out the old, ring in the new with frothy waltzes, peppy polkas, and other musical delights by the beloved Strauss family and friends. Like the spectacular Viennese celebration that inspires this always-sold-out performance, the concert culminates in the Blue Danube Waltz and the Radetzky March (clapping and foot-stomping encouraged) to usher in 2017.

Details at




HK Philharmonic: A Magical Christmas

December 23 & 24, 8pm

Christmas is a time for children, giving, and love. Plus fun and magic, too! And that’s where Harry Wong comes in! HK Phil’s favourite magician will again entertain the young and young-at-heart at our annual Christmas family festivities. Hong Kong native Vivian Ip conducts the Orchestra, including the ever-popular Christmas carol sing-along. And at the end of the concert—spoiler alert—snowflakes will be dancing on your head, as Harry lets it snow, lets it snow, lets it snow!

Details at




HK Philharmonic: John Williams' Star Wars

December 16 & 17, 8pm

Explore the music for the extreme blockbuster films of our time—Star Wars, including music from the newest movie, Star Wars: The Force Awakens —composed by the masterful John Williams, winner of five Academy Awards, 17 Grammys, three Golden Globes, and two Emmys. Popular maestro Guy Noble returns. Be ready for his trademark take on Darth Vader, deft handling of a lightsaber, plus some special guests and surprises. And there’s more! We haven’t forgotten fans of Raiders of the Lost Ark and Superman. May the music’s Force be with you!
Details at




HK Philharmonic: Mahler's Mighty Third

December 9 & 10, 8pm

Gustav Mahler never did anything half-way. And his mighty Third Symphony is proof of that. In this grand masterpiece he reveals the secrets of the universe as he heard them, naming the movements imaginatively, like “What the Flowers in the Meadow Tell Me,” What the Animals in the Forest Tell Me,” “What Man Tells Me,” “What the Angels Tell Me,” and the transcendent “What Love Tells Me.” Maestro Jaap van Zweden gathers the vast forces of the Orchestra, the Hong Kong Philharmonic Chorus, the Hong Kong Children’s Choir, and the gorgeous voice of mezzo-soprano Kelley O’Connor in this second installment of Mahler concerts this season.
Details at




HK Philharmonic: Classics

December 2 & 3, 8pm

This concert shines the spotlight on five players from the HK Phil, opening with a world premiere of Oikogeneia, composed by its principal timpanist Ozno. Haydn’s Sinfonia concertante features a quartet of principal players in an enchanting and precise interplay of solo winds and strings. Then Maestro van Zweden conducts Dvořák’s Seventh Symphony, imbued with the composer’s signature Czech flavours.

Details at




HK Philharmonic: Dvorak & Tchaikovsky

November 25 & 26, 8pm

Russian maestro Vassily Sinaisky stirs the soul with this programme of Slavic masterpieces: Dvořák’s ardent Cello Concerto—considered by many the most gripping ever composed for the instrument—with cellist Alban Gerhardt centre stage. In the Manfred Symphony, Tchaikovsky finds a kindred spirit in a brooding hero, whose arduous search for redemption is conveyed by powerful organ chords and a shattering dies irae.

Details at




Mischa Maisky

November 22, 8pm

The poetic cellist (and international recording artist) Mischa Maisky - with his pianist daugher Lily Maisky - performs a repertoire of French cello music, including works by Faure, Franck, Saint-Saens, Debussy and Poulenc -  for details click here.




HK Philharmonic: Rodrigo, Bizet & Gershwin

November 18 & 19, 8pm

Brilliant guitarist Xuefei Yang (“an alluring marriage of virtuosity and emotionalism” Detroit Free Press) takes centre stage in one of the most popular guitar concertos in the repertoire—Rodrigo’s Concierto de Aranjuez—evoking shimmering Spanish palace gardens. Amble along Parisian boulevards and experience the story of love, heartbreak, and hope in the American South in two iconic Gershwin scores (An American in Paris and Porgy & Bess Suite). Then sway to the sensual rhythms and snappy castanets of Bizet's Carmen suite...

Details at




Edgar Meyer: Double Bass Masterclass

November 6, 2:30pm

Edgar Meyer is Adjunct Associate Professor of Double Bass at the Curtis Institute and the Vanderbilt University’s Blair School of Music. He is also an ArtistFaculty member of the Aspen Music Festival and School.
Pre-registration required - for details click here.




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