We Gain; We Lose

April 27- May 1, Various times

Responding to the theme of ‘We Gain; We Lose’ of the Festival, Joining–Disjointed consists of six exhibitions curated by students in the ‘Curatorship’ class of the MA in Cultural Management Programme, with the support from students of the ‘Exhibition Design’ class. 

The cultural diversity of our students, who are from Hong Kong, Mainland, Japan and Poland, are clearly reflected by their exhibition topics and curatorial approaches, which cover a board spectrum of issues and concerns, ranging from heritage preservation, urban landscape to domestic space and intimate memories. On the other hand, their curatorial contents share a concern over the state of separation within our society, where external and internal realities are torn, disjointed, and even being taken away. The exhibitions show a sincere attempt to rejoin, the link the separated, to avoid being disjointed in an age of disjointedness.

See more info at their Facebook page.


Turning Inside Out series Theatresports - Language is not a Problem

January 30, 8pm

A contest among local & Expatriate Artists in a melting pot of different languages, cultural backgrounds and perspectives of life in the city of Hong Kong.

*Wine and snacks are available for Reception.

Program Enquiries and ticket reservations:  admin@justedu.hk (Ms. Fung)


Dance On: Dance, for No Reason

Jan 22-23 (Fri-Sat), 8pm; Jan 23-24 (Sat-Sun), 3pm
By Cyrus Hui, Elaine Kwok & Chloe Wong

A 'Dance On' Series contemporary dance production featuring Dance, for No Reason’ by Cyrus Hui, Elaine Kwok and Chloe Wong:

In our dreams, we never have an age.

Running time of each performance is about 1 hour without intermission


Dance On: Puzzle

Jan 15-16 (Fri-Sat), 8pm; Jan 16-17 (Sat-Sun), 3pm
By Flora Hon & Kelvin Lam

A 'Dance On' Series double-bill contemporary dance production featuring ‘Puzzle’ by Flora Hon and Kelvin Lam:

To connect or not to connect, that is the question. Depends on my allocation. How we contact, in fact, is a matter of desire.

Running time of each performance is about 1 hour without intermission


I Am NOT a Butoh Artist

December 11-13, 8pm

This is absolutely not a butoh performance. This is a concept, or questions on Butoh and the identity of “Butoh Artist” asked by two local emerging Butoh Artists of Norma-phobia. What is Butoh? Are there any requirements for Butoh Artist? Are these a must? Is the demonstration of stereotypical movements a butoh performance?


Look Up!

July 3-4, 8pm

A look at the sky from a child's perspective. A blending of theatre and dance. Presented with physical movement and limited Cantonese dialogue.


The Glass Menagerie

June 26-28, 7:45pm

The program benefited from the "black box Jockey Club Venue Subsidy Scheme"

An experimental presentation of the classic story.


Available at all Town Ticketing box office, online and credit card telephone booking hotline sale.



September 13-14, 8:30pm

Misses, Misplace, Mistresses, Mistakes

Why are you obsessed with the "Mis-es" that defines you?

The path of growing up is a lonely one. It always feels that nobody understands you and that there is no one to guide you; so by instinct, you improvise as you go along in life; yet who dares say they don’t have any regrets throughout their path? Until one day, you can finally let go of those “mis-es” that caught you up and realize that they are exactly those mis-es that mold the person you current are.


Ashes Blood Rivers

May 3-4, 3pm and 8pm

Physical theatre piece about a king's journey along a river in search of the Dragon God. It is a collaboration and effort of 5 regions of the world and dance.


It is Really Lovely Here... Or So I Heard

April 12-14, 8pm and 3pm matinee

A dance drama choreographed by award winning dancer Wong Chi-wing about challenging the status quo.


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