The Helper- Premiere With Fundraising Gala

14 May at 6pm
By Joanna Bowers and Tony Verb

The feature-length documentary chronicles the diverse stories of Hong Kong’s migrant domestic workers, exploring the immense contribution they make to society in the face of heart-breaking separation from their loved ones.

“When better than Mother's Day to pay tribute to those who make such extraordinary maternal sacrifices of their own to support Hong Kong’s families,” said the Director of the film, Joanna Bowers. “These are real people with real stories; not just domestic helpers. They are women, wives and mothers, overcoming obstacles to achieve the extraordinary.”

The premiere event will include a V.I.P. reception sponsored by G.H. Mumm Champagne.

For more information about the event, click here.

Tickets available at Ticketflap


Leo Phillips & Friends

January 15 2017, 3pm

Repertoire to be confirmed.

Part of the Hong Kong International Chamber Music Festival 2017: a family friendly event.
