Helium3 with Sinister Left

August 27, 7:30pm

Cathay pilot band Helium3 live in concert showcasing their back catalog and material off their new album ‘Welcome to the new World', with support band The Sinister Left.

Ticket price includes 1 drink - proceeds to support The Sunnyside Club charity. 


Mini Panto

April 16, 12:30pm

This is the second year that Hong Kong Players have joined with the Hong Kong Down Syndrome Association to create a magical mini panto based on Players’ annual Christmas show, which was staged at Udderbelly Theatre in December 2015. Last year’s mini-show was a joyous occasion in a room full of love, and this year’s show promises more of the same – with stand-out performances and songs including Call Me Maybe and When You Believe.

Following Little Red Riding Hood in 2015, this year we are in the magical world of Cinderella. So come along and support these fantastic young people – aged from seven to 35 – who are giving their all in this big-hearted hour of fun!

All proceeds from the event will be donated to the English-speaking group of the Hong Kong Down Syndrome Association.


Mini Panto

November 23, 11:30

A mini version of the panto performed with the Hong Kong Players and special needs children from DSA. Sure to put to a smile on your face and put you in the holiday spiri. Part of the proceeds go to Hong Kong Down Syndrome Association.
