Seething On

September 15-17 at 8pm (Fri and Sat) and 4pm (Sat and Sun).
By Jacky Yu

Inextinguishable Shine of Originality.


Regarding O

18 August at 8pm; 19 August at 3pm and 8pm; 29 August at 11am and 3pm.

Activated by a sense of reality show, “experts of everyday life” (a famous term invented by Rimini Protokoll) are invited on stage to ‘perform’ with genuine experience under a carefully arranged framework.
Abandoning the common practice of playback theatre or story-sharing, in this play performers with identity and experience of being a transgender will invite audience to contemplate gender, justice and happiness through the nature of theatre: making questions and playing games. 


Not The Maids

August 11-13 (8pm on 11-12, 3pm on 13)

Hong Kong has nearly 350,000 foreign domestic workers. On Sundays you can see them in public squares and parks; a street view unique to this city. These ‘maids’ flew from their homes to work in another home. Each week they work for six days performing household chores, taking care of children and the elderly. For one day a week, they are guitarists, photographers, rugby players… themselves. In English, Cantonese and Tagalog, with English, Cantonese and Bahasa (Indonesian).




Estival Feats

14-15 July at 8pm
By Jacky Yu

Tear Down the Dominant Frame of Thought.


Fave Move

22 April at 4 and 8pm 23 April at 4pm
By Jacky Yu

Sparks with Fire! Spin it, turn it, move it. Create our space and moments with heartfelt dance. 


The Art of Liu Tianyi

April 15 2017, 8pm

Chinese windpipe music from 20th century composer Liu Tianyi (1910-1990)


Toppling the World

January 20-21 2017, 8pm

E-Side's signature piece, choreographed by Artistic Director Jacky Yu, has yet another re-run. Winner of the 2006 Dance Award by Hong Kong Dance Alliance.


Contemporary Dance Showcase: Asian-Male Episode 7

8pm November 4 & 5

A showcase for works by Choi Jae-Hyuk and Lee Jun-Wook from Korea, Lee Tsung-hsuan and Wang Yeu-Kwn from Taiwan, Akinori Suzuki from Japan and Kelvin Mak from Hong Kong

E-Side Dance Company was founded in 1988 by Jacky Yu. It has been a Venue Partner of the Ngau Chi Wan Civic Centre since 2008, providing platforms for dance artists to create new work and aiming to encourage Asian modern dance exchanges. In 2006 one of its representative productions, Toppling the World, received a Hong Kong Dance Award; in 2012 the company was awarded a Hong Kong Dance Alliance Distinguished Achievement Award. In 2016, Jacky Yu received “The Hong Kong Arts Development Awards 2015 – Artist of the Year (Dance)” from the Hong Kong Arts Development Council.


Imagination Boom 3

8pm September 9; 4pm & 8pm September 10 & 11

Artistic Director Jacky Yu brings together six local choreographer-dancers for Imagination Boom 3: Carman Li, Janet Wu and Lo Lok-yiu, who graduated from Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts majoring in Contemporary Dance; Wong Po-lui, winner of 2016 Daegu International Choreography Festival - World Choreography Competition (Solo part); Maze Chan, now studying in Taiwan; and Helen Leung, recently graduated from her Media and Cultural Studies programme in Hong Kong.

E-Side Dance Company was founded in 1988 by Jacky Yu. It has been a Venue Partner of the Ngau Chi Wan Civic Centre since 2008, providing platforms for dance artists to create new work and aiming to encourage Asian modern dance exchanges. In 2006 one of its representative productions, Toppling the World, received a Hong Kong Dance Award; in 2012 the company was awarded a Hong Kong Dance Alliance Distinguished Achievement Award. In 2016, Jacky Yu received “The Hong Kong Arts Development Awards 2015 – Artist of the Year (Dance)” from the Hong Kong Arts Development Council.



March 25-27, 8pm and 3pm on weekends

Constellations is a dance cocktail of vivid colours, shapes and games conceived after the imagery by the great Spanish artist, Joan Miró.  Taking inspiration by a series of works in which Joan Miró shows his wonder with the space, choreographer Enrique Cabrera fills his imaginary blank canvas with wonderful dance, ingenious puppetry and terrific digital visuals with the company's trademark playfulness, creativity and style.


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