10 Common #theatreproblems
#theatreproblems is a popular hashtag on twitter and tumblr. We'd be a fool not to make a visual list about it. Please enjoy! If you're a big fan of these lists we recommend you check out our tumblr for daily gifs dedicated to theatre!
Disclaimer: Please note that these problems are general problems that we've all experieced in the biz and none of them are directed toward any particular individual.
1. Who touched my prop?!!
2. I left my script at home!
3. The pervy, old, male director that thinks it's ok to hit on young females in his cast.
4. Diva Moments.
5. You didn't get the gig that you really wanted.
6. Who stole my bobby pins?!!
7. It seems you're always waiting...
8. Sleep is for the weak, during tech!
9. Stage makeup is really hard to get off.
10. Unemployment.
It's true that #theatreproblems are annoying but as long as we're working in the industry and not living in a cardboard box we're pretty happy. Got any backstage horror stories? We'd love to hear them! Leave them below in the comment section.
OMG. We've all had to deal with that delusional man who thinks because he cast us and we like him as a director we'll want to sleep with him. No thankyou.
08 August 2013Manda
how accurate...
08 August 2013