
This is our section dedicated to all things related to theatre for youth.

You can find our weekly theatre games here, articles about theatre education, our kid's perspective articles, playpackets and links to our partnership articles with Sassy Mama.

If you have a great idea for getting kids involved in the arts, please contact us!

If you want HKELD to come to your school to teach a workshop on arts criticism, contact us!



The Future of Art Education5-1-16

The future of art education is in jeopardy due to the large budget cuts in schools. There's such a large focus on testing well and getting into university that art education is suffering. Our job as artists is to raise awareness on the value of an arts education.


5 Great Easy Costumes for Kids24-10-15

I took a lot of costuming classes in University. I loved sewing and learning how to transform the human body into different things. It probably stems back to the fact that I wasn't allowed to go trick or treating as a kid. It was, after all, the "Devil's holiday". But I loved all things about Halloween. It had all my favorite things in it: costumes, makeup, shiny things, candy, theatricality. The minute I turned 18 and went to University I made my first home-made Halloween costume and went trick or treating with my college roommate, Evelyn. I made out like a bandit too because all the grownups felt bad for me that I had never been allowed to trick or treat as a kid. I went as an autumnal fairy but everyone thought I was a bush. How disappointing! I have since become the master of finding cheap, easy to make costumes for little kids. Doing theatre on a budget is my speciality. Here are 5 cute easy "no sew" ideas that don't cost a lot of money and are sure to fill those kids buckets up with lots of treats! Cardboard boxes and hot glue are your friend...


HKELD's Holiday Picks4-12-14

We were asked by Sassy Mama to pick the best of what's coming up during the Holiday season. Christmas is the perfect time to snuggle with your family at the theatre and this year has plenty of options for Hong Kongers. Whether you're wanting traditions, something new or a big spectacular musical; there's plenty for you to see this Holiday season on the Hong Kong stage. Support the arts this Christmas!


Download and Print Your Own Occupy Hong Kong Coloring Book!27-10-14

Here are some coloring sheets made from famous images of Occupy. I'm a firm believer that art should imitate life and children should be allowed to express themselves creatively about current events. Feel free to take these and share these with your kids.


Teen Talk 5: Local Artists Need Support6-5-14

Hong Kong is often called an international city, and rightly so. It draws in people from all countries and walks of life, foreign troupes coming in for a week long run, all kinds which ultimately can only enrich the arts scene here. But mostly British expats.


Teen Talk 4: Interview with a Teen Actor30-4-14

For this week’s blog post, I interview Shimali De Silva, an insanely talented actor, singer and performer who’s already had experience working in major productions at the age of 15. What are her experiences working so young in the industry, and how are her future prospects?


Teen Talk 3: My Last Drama Class23-4-14

I’ve just attended my last official IGSCE drama class. A two year course is behind me and all there’s left is the official examination. I’m more than a bit apprehensive, but I’ve been preparing for this moment for such a long time it seems surreal that this long awaited date has finally come.


Get Sassy!21-4-14

Our latest article with Sassy Mama was published. There are tons of artistic events coming up over the next few weeks that would be perfect for your whole family. We hope you spend some time at the theatre with your kids. We have great options for parents on all sorts of budgets and in several different languages


Teen Talk 2: Audience Behavior3-4-14

On attending theater performances: teenagers in Hong Kong are infamous audience members. I am not unaware of this. There are many reasons why you see a lack of anyone under the age of 20 at the theatre and financial destitution is not the only one.


Teen Talk22-3-14

I’ve always found it funny when I tell people about my interest in the arts. They look at me in a way which clearly suggests they consider me something similar to a two legged donkey riding a tricycle. Their response is usually ‘Oh good. What other tricks can you do?’ or “Oh good God. What happened to you?”


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