
This is our section dedicated to all things related to theatre for youth.

You can find our weekly theatre games here, articles about theatre education, our kid's perspective articles, playpackets and links to our partnership articles with Sassy Mama.

If you have a great idea for getting kids involved in the arts, please contact us!

If you want HKELD to come to your school to teach a workshop on arts criticism, contact us!



Hot Mamas!8-6-13

Are our mama readers ready for a long, hot, Hong Kong summer?


Theatre Game of the Week #333-6-13

Word Tennis is a great game when building vocabulary with students. It's great with ESL kids who are working on wanting to build up the number of words they know in a specific category. Primary age kids and Secondary kids can both enjoy this game.


Theatre Game of the Week #3227-5-13

This game is called the Rain Game. It's one of the more abstracted theatre games. The kids create a rain storm as a group. It's perfect for this time of year, when we're having tons of rainy days in HK.


Theatre Game of the Week #3121-5-13

This is a game that works best with large groups that have a lot of energy. It also works best when played really fast!


Mama Readers, Check this out!19-5-13

HKELD is proud to announce a partnership with Sassy Mama.


Theatre Game of the Week #3013-5-13

Copycatting can be a viable learning tool when working with beginning actors. It's also a way to get youngsters to play and become other people when they have strong language restrictions or when working with kids who have developmental disabilities. I call this game Copy Cat. You need to prep a whole bunch of pictures before hand. They can be magazines, art, fashion pictures or ads. You can laminate them and reuse them between classes to save time and money.


Theatre Game of the Week #296-5-13

On your mark, get set, GO!


Theatre Game of the Week #2828-4-13

Emotions are a vital part of acting that are fun to explore through drama games. This game is called Emotional Party. Kids really like it because it's very silly and they act a bit crazy. Shy students will struggle with this game. Make sure you set out rules beforehand that everyone must participate fully and everyone must be supportive of one another. This helps you avoid kid in the corner behavior.


Theatre Game of the Week #2715-4-13

This game is not for beginners. I play it with more advanced students who have a firm grasp on improv and the English language. Even an experienced actor can screw this game up! But that's why it's super fun to play, it's a challenge.


Playpacket!- The Frog Prince13-4-13

We have our second playpacket available today. Hong Kong Ballet's The Frog Prince will be opening next week.


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