This is our section dedicated to all things related to theatre for youth.
You can find our weekly theatre games here, articles about theatre education, our kid's perspective articles, playpackets and links to our partnership articles with Sassy Mama.
If you have a great idea for getting kids involved in the arts, please contact us!
If you want HKELD to come to your school to teach a workshop on arts criticism, contact us!
Theatre Game of the Week #429-9-13
Emotion is the basis for all acting. This game is called Emotion Party and is a great way for kids to tap into their emotions in a fun way. Go over emotions before the game to make sure students understand there are other feelings than sad and happy.
Theatre Game of the Week #4126-8-13
We're bring back Theatre Game of the Week with one of my personal faves, Ghost. This is a great game for calming down groups with a lot of noisy energy.
Mama 'Mendations5-8-13
Our latest article on Sassy Mama is up! Hope all our Mama readers have been surviving this long rainy summer. Nothing is worse than a rainy summer with bored kids.
Theatre Game of the Week #4022-7-13
I like to play this game with kids that are a bit older. Maybe in P5 or as a summer camp game when they're starting Secondary School. It's a good way for you to asess their English level while still having fun. It's kinda like the board game Taboo. It does take a little bit of pre-class prep though. You'll need to make index cards with random English words on them.
Theatre Game of the Week #3915-7-13
Release the Hounds is my go to game at the end of a long day and the classroom needs to be cleaned. This is an arduous task that no student wants to participate in but sometimes after you've been trapped in a classroom for 5-6 hours the room can be a wreck. I use this game to make returning the classroom to its original state fun.
Theatre Game of the Week #389-7-13
This might be one of the most fun games to play! But as a fair warning it's very silly. FFEACH is a charades race and the categories are Fast Foods, Electrical Appliances, and Cartoon Heroes. Teams compete against each other to complete a predetermined list of items that you made before class started.
Theatre Game of the Week #372-7-13
This game is called balloon charades. I was taught it as a camp counselor but I have used it in the Drama classroom with primary aged kids to help reinforce basic vocabulary during summer months. It's a super fun way to play with nouns, verbs and adjectives.
Theatre Game of the Week #3624-6-13
Teamwork is an essential drama element. This game is called The People Machine. I use it for the teamwork section of a curriculum and also as an acting exercise when I direct shows that have any industrial elements in them.
Theatre Game of the Week #3517-6-13
This game is a physical acting game where you act out occupations. It's great when they're learning about jobs. It works best with large groups when you have a lot of space to run around in. It's a great game for orientation weeks or on field trip days when you get to play around outside.
Theatre Game of the Week #3410-6-13
This is a great game for secondary school kids or if you're teaching improv to university level students. They have to have a really good gasp of English to play and be able to respond quickly to questions. This is a great improv prep game for exam time when you're working on the concept of good responses and bad responses. It's based off of a game on the tv show, "Whose Line Is It Anyway?"
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