Theatre Game of the Week #38

This might be one of the most fun games to play! But as a fair warning it's very silly. FFEACH is a charades race and the categories are Fast Foods, Electrical Appliances, and Cartoon Heroes. Teams compete against each other to complete a predetermined list of items that you made before class started.

Step 1) Divide the students into 2 or more teams.

Step 2) Have the kids spread out so that they can't overhear the next team's answers.

Step 3) Ask one member from each team to come to the you.

Step 4) Whisper the first word into the ears of the volunteers, and release them to their groups at the same time.

Step 5) Once a member of the group guesses the word correctly, someone new runs to the instructor for the next word. Advise the group when you are giving instructions that no one can come up for a word twice until everyone has gone up once. This helps ensure that everyone participates.

Step 6) The team members must tell you what word their team just guessed, and the instructor tells the new volunteer the next word on the list.

In the end: The object of the game is to complete the entire list without cheating. Students have worked as a team and worked on some vocabulary words in household objects and food items. They also have worked on their physical drama skills. The more random the list is the better. Here's a sample list:

1. Sailor Moon
2. Fries
3. Spongebob Square Pants
4. Curling Iron
5. Remote Control
6. Pizza
7. Iron Man
8. Washing Machine
9. Chopsticks
10. McNuggets

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theatre, game, tie


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