Use Us
Listing Your Show
We will post your event with basic information on our calendar FOR FREE.
To notify us of your show, please send an email to
Show Name, Company Name, Author Name, Show Genre
Venue Name and Location
Times, Dates, Ticket Prices (and any discounts)
Blurb on the show (maximum 50 words)
Any warnings to audience members, age restrictions
Contact person (name, mobile, email) for follow-up questions.
We will post your listing as far in advance as you like – the earlier you put it out there, the greater your potential audience share.
We will aim to post your listing within one working day of receipt unless anything needs clarifying.
We cannot put external links into our calendar because of formatting reasons.
Certain parts of the HKELD calendar are drop down menus rather than free text. This limits some of the information such as ticketing, age restriction and genre.
For paid options on how to boost your show’s profile please contact us at
Preview Policy
Previews are a great way to promote your show. They are a permanent piece of text written about you/your company that lasts as long as the internet. Great to share with your cast/crew- creating an informed audience member! Previews are sponsored content. The artistic company pays us 500HKD to pay our writer for their time, and for the server space to support their videos, photos on our site.
If you would like a preview article written about your show please contact our editor at
If you’ve not already done so, please send a Listing Notice following the format of ‘Listing Your Show’.
Previews are done on a first come, first serve basis. Please try to contact us at least 2 weeks in advance. Previews are sponsored content for the site. Any fees are used to pay for server space.
A Q&A formatted interview is arranged by email. You send us photos, videos and quotes for the piece and a great piece of promotional material is written about you!
Review Policy
We would love to review your show. We provide this service at no charge, other than the provision of a complimentary ticket for a member of our Critics Panel. We only review shows where we are invited and the constructive criticism is welcomed by the performers.
Our review policy:
We operate on a first come, first serve basis (our small team of dedicated reviewers can only be at one show at a time) so send requests as early as possible, preferably at least two weeks in advance, to Meaghan McGurgan at
Best for us is a press release or listing (following the format described at ‘Listing Your Show’)
We like to attend the opening night or the last dress rehearsal so please make arrangements for us to attend this performance.
Of course, we LOVE press passes and are happy to accept them but we cannot accept any other gifts such as drinks after the show.
Our reviewers are individuals and will give their opinions on the show. We ask them to be constructive but honest; if they don’t like your show, they have to say so. (The reviews published do not necessarily reflect the opinions of
We will not take our own photos of your show. If you would like photos in the review rather than your poster, please send them to us (following the format described at ‘Listing Your Show’).
We aim to publish each review within 24 hours of seeing the show to maximize its effect on your ticket sales.
Artist of the Month Policy
Artist of the Month is the most popular running article taken from our editor’s blog, HKarts. You can see the chosen artists of the month here.
You can nominate a local artist you feel deserves recognition by emailing us at
The artist must live/work/study in Hong Kong to be featured on the blog. All mediums welcome! We like variety!