Theatre Game of the Week #28
Emotions are a vital part of acting that are fun to explore through drama games. This game is called Emotional Party. Kids really like it because it's very silly and they act a bit crazy. Shy students will struggle with this game. Make sure you set out rules beforehand that everyone must participate fully and everyone must be supportive of one another. This helps you avoid kid in the corner behavior.
Game Name: Emotional Party
Students Needed: 10+
Materials Needed: Chairs and Space
Time Needed: 10+ minutes
Step 1) One person begins, as the host, in a neutral state. The first guest knocks or rings the bell (saying "ding-dong"), and enters in a highly charged emotional state. Emotions that work well with this exercise include: excitement, fear, anger, jealousy, joy, sadness, etc. Think big emotions and variety - no two emotions twice!
Step 2) As soon as the host picks up on the emotion, she "catches" it, and interacts with the guest. The next guest enters with a different emotion and the host and other guest are infused with the new guest's feelings. Things get more chaotic as more guests enter, as each new guest causes a different emotion to enter the party. Once the new guest has entered, the students can interact with different people until they notice a change in the emotion and then they must adapt.
Note: The participants should not watch the door or the new students. They should wait for the new emotion to travel to them, (like the wave at a baseball game).
For advanced students: two guests enter at the same time with very different emotions.
In the end: students have worked on emotions. You can also work on proper party manners.
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