10 Signs You Have a Degree in the Arts


Our tumblr has been a smashing success recently. So we've decided to do some test articles that are more visual. Let us know what you think!


10 Signs You Have a Degree in the Arts



1. You can craft anything.



2. In college you assumed all boys were gay until proven otherwise.



3. Your Facebook profile pics look ahhh-mazing.



4. You FB-stalk college friends to see who's doing better/worse than you.




5. You'll be 80 and still paying your student loans.




6. You're fluent in two languages: English and Sarcasm.




7. Your parents keep trying to convince you to become a teacher.




8. You're so used to seeing naked people backstage, it's lost all its thrill.



9. You have serious dance skills, or think you do.




10. You love your craft more than money. That's why you do it even though the pay isn't great.

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hkeld, tumblr, gifs


  • annie
    18 July 2013

    Oh God. This is all too true.
  • manda
    18 July 2013

    based on this post, i dont have an art degree haha but nice post!
  • brad jacobs
    18 July 2013

    OMG. So true. I can craft anything. My wife wants to buy something at the store. I'm like, nah, fuck that I'll make it for you. Off to SSP we go and out comes the saudering gun. She HATES me.
  • lui
    19 July 2013

    Nobody wants you shit trolls! Bugger off!

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