10 Signs You're a Techie


Techies are the backbone of the theatre. They often go underappreciated for their hard work. Here's 10 signs you have one in your home or you are one.



1. You don't have Band-Aids in your home. You just use Gaff Tape.


2. Liz Lemon is your Dalai Lama.


3. An actor is late during tech week.


4. You're there to get a job done.


5. You haven't been out on a Saturday night in a REALLLY long time.


6. Sweeping the stage has become a theraputic ritual for you.


7. 90% of your wardrobe is black. You wonder if you come across as Emo.


8. You stare at quick changes like this for hours to figure out how it's done.


9. Some one mentions your design in the review.


10. When you reset during cue to cue, patience is a virtue.



Keep doing your thing, techies! We love you and couldn't make magic without you!

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techie. gif, visual


  • Rachel
    25 July 2013

    Don't diss the Gaff tape bandaid! There's asprin in the glue, bitch!

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