10 Signs You're Dating a Theatre Person


It's tough being a theatre person. It's equally difficult dating one. Here's a list dedicated to the ones that date us and put up with our crap.



1. You never see us.


2. We have a smart-ass come back for everything...And I mean, everything...


3. When an actor/techie drops out, you might be asked to fill in suddenly.


4. If we're a man, people will always assume that we're gay.


5. If we're a woman, people will always assume we're a crazy bitch.


6. We have no money.


7. Suddenly all our furniture will go missing to appear as a set.


8. We're a little bit dramatic.


9. When dating a costume, prop, or set designer you'll end up with all home made Christmas presents.


10. You have to come to every opening night. No matter what.



To those brave non-artists who date theatre people: thank you for your community service and for putting up with us. We're fully dedicated to our crafts and we know it's difficult to date an artist. 


  • Holla
    17 August 2013

    So true! Where's my BF right now? In rehearsal... :(

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