5 Stages of Getting a Bad Review


Asking a critic to come into your house and review your show is no easy task. No one likes getting a bad review but they're just part of the biz. We appreciate every artist who has been brave enough to offer us a press ticket and invite us in this past year. We've loved reviewing all the shows and can't wait to get started on the 2013-2014 season. Here's the 5 Stages of Getting a Bad Review. It's also an homage to Elsabeth Kubler-Ross and her 5 stages of grief.



(This sometimes results in a member of HKELD receiving an email.)




In contrast here are the two stages of getting a great review:


The Megaphone


  • brad jacobs
    21 August 2013

    LOL. OMG. I'm crying I'm laughing so hard. The acceptance one is so on the money!
  • hannah
    21 August 2013

    using the megaphone term from now on. another winner megs!
  • Truth
    22 August 2013

    Stages 1-5. Tell yourself that the reviewer is not up to the task. Those who can do, those who can't review.
  • brad jacobs
    24 August 2013

    Truth is probably just one of those people that can't take a critique. Some of the most famous critics in the world have been practicing and talented artists. Truth is we all get bad reviews sometimes but it's our jobs to read them, get pissed off, have a drink and then go back a day later to see how we can better.
  • Molly C.
    24 August 2013

    Here here Brad!
  • munch
    24 August 2013

    If the reviewer "is not up to task" then why was every critic right when they said Gigli was the worst movie ever?

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