And the Winners are.....
Best Show (Non-Musical)
Inherit the Wind, Aurora Theatre
Best Show (Musical)
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Face Productions
Best Dance Production
The Nutcracker, Hong Kong Ballet
Best Original Work
BEEP!, Black Sheep Theatre
Best Alternative Art Event
Hong Kong Stories
Best Director
Rosalind Wong, Two Gentleman of Verona, Shax Theatre Group
Best Actor
David Mersault, Inherit the Wind, Aurora Theatre
Best Actress
Mimi Burns, The Last Five Years, Aurora Theatre
Best Supporting Actor
Matthew Gillespie, Inherit the Wind, Aurora Theatre
Best Supporting Actress
Sophie Connell, Into the Woods, Face Productions
Best Ensemble
The Two Gentlemen of Verona, Shax Theatre Group
Best Festival
Best Local Band
Indigo Town
Best Visual Artist
Simon Birch
Best DJ
Crimes Against Pop
Best Art Gallery
Above Second
If you were not able to pick up your award in person, please contact us.
We would like to thank all our sponsors for helping make The Hecklers possible; we couldn't have done it without you. Photos and videos of the event will be posted in the next few days.
We look forward to Hong Kong's upcoming year of creative offerings. We are so proud of all the artists that work in our city and their immense talent, and we look forward to covering the scene with more in-depth and diverse coverage. Please contact us if you want to become a member of the HKELD team.
Nicole Garbellini, Editor