And the Winners are...


Best Show (Non-Musical)

*One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Naiad Productions


Best Show (Musical)

*I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change, Hong Kong Singers



Best Non-English Show

*Salome, Opera Hong Kong



Best Dance Show

*Happy Birthday?, CCDC



Best Original Work

*Golden Lotus, the Musical



Best Alternative Art Event

Hong Kong Stories



Best Post-Show Hot Spot

Orange Peel



Best Director

*Lisa Middleton and David Tobin, Mother Matters, Apple Pie Productions



Best Actor

*Nicholas Atkinson, Macbeth, Sweet and Sour Productions



Best Actress

*Andrea Nodroum-Ellinger, Thinner than Water, Aurora Theatre



Best Supporting Actor

*Tom McLean, Lear, Shakespeare in the Port



Best Supporting Actress

*Micha Sparrow, Puss in Boots: the Panto, Hong Kong Players



The Heart Award

*Henrik Hoeg, Peel Street Poetry



Best Designer

*Katy Scott, Puss in Boots: the Panto, Hong Kong Players



The Revolution Award

*The Artists of Occupy Hong Kong



Best Local Band

*The Anello



Best Ticketing Provider



If you were not able to pick up your award in person, please contact us.
Thanks to all our sponsors for helping make The Hecklers possible.
We couldn't have done it without you.
Photos and videos from the event will be posted in the next few days.

We look forward to Hong Kong's upcoming year of creative offerings. We are so proud of all the artists that work in our city and their immense talent and look forward to covering the scene with more in-depth and diverse coverage. Please contact us if you want to become a member of the HKELD team.

-Meaghan McGurgan, Editor