Art Central- Hong Kong's New Satellite Fair
This past weekend was one of the busiest art weeks in Hong Kong. We had Art Basel, Fotanian, Chai Wan Mei and Art Central taking over the city. What is now known as "Hong Kong Art Week" was bustling with people, looking at art and exploring the world of art investment.
HKELD was invited to Art Central over the weekend to check it, take some pictures... Here's some of the art and what we explored at the Hong Kong art walk.
Even cute animals pics have hit the high end art market. This bunny photo went for 10,000USD!
Thanks @Balu for this beautiful pic!
This horse statue was covered in almost 300 champagne foils. We hope they drank the bottles for "research".
Our press kits were in these cute Art Central tote bags. Yea for swag!
The tents helped improved the view. This shot was taken from Admiralty.
We felt bad for this beautiful BBW statue. People kept touching her butt!
People lined up for F&B by local vendors.
Did you go to Art Central? What did you think of it?
Did you attend any of the other art fairs? How did it compare? Share your thoughts below!
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