Artist of the Month- August- Aaron Michelson

Everyone in Hong Kong's art scene knows our AoM for this month. His name is Aaron Michelson. He's known for infectious smile and deep love for the art scene. He also runs his own videography business that helps artists in town preserve their projects. Get to know Aaron below and when you see him at the next show, make sure to say hello! He loves making new friends.


1. Name, Aaron Michelson 

Born and bred in Hong Kong, Age 26 


2. How does where you were raised affect your work? 

Hong Kong has been my home ever since I was born and I don’t plan on going anywhere soon. I find there are a lot of opportunities in terms of videography, particularly in live performing art shows and in the corporate sector. Plus, there are a lot of things happening in this city all the time; I do my best to be there to capture it all.  

3. Where did you train?

I first began to study film when I was high school and then continued by majoring in it at Lynn University in Boca Raton, Florida. I also learned lot of about video production through various internships and jobs. I am still learning new things today, even though I am a professional.  


4. What is your favorite style of videography? Why?

Filming live theatre shows because I feel like contributing to local economy by giving time and effort in promoting the local theatre scene and the great work that they do. Even though  it might not capture same feeling as seeing it live but it’s proof that it happened. 

Also three years ago, I wasn’t aware of the local theatre scene until a good friend of mine asked me to video a musical that she was producing. While filming that musical, I was blown away by great talent that Hong Kong has to offer and the fact it was done on professional level. Plus, the people in the local theatre are very nice and great work with. 


5. What was the best show you EVER saw?
Definitely The Lion King, I saw it in Los Angles. 


6. What was the best show in HK you EVER saw? (You cannot say your own)
The best shows are The Underground HK shows because it’s great showcase of local music scene here in Hong Kong.  


7. What piece of work are you the most proud of? 
The video I made of Occupy Central. When I went down to the main protest site admiralty I was amazed how the well organized it was, how everyone was nice and peaceful, how protesters were cleaning and picking up the trash, and the amazing protest artwork especially the umbrella man statue. I decided to help their cause by making the video shows doing those things. I felt like that I captured the peaceful spirit of the protest, which I felt was missing the international news coverage. 


8. What is your process like?
My process is simple. I go to the place where I need, set up my equipment in the best position where I can get a great angle and lighting, record, import it to my computer, put it together and make a few adjustments, then I send it out to the client.


9. What is your dream project?
My dream project is a documentary I’m working on about the issues that local western theatre groups have deal with here in HK. My purpose for the documentary is to promote the great work these theatre companies are doing.  I’m currently on the editing phase. I hope have it finished by the end of the year. 


10. If you could change one thing about the art scene in HK, what would it be?

Ah… Where do we start. First of all; more funding from the government, more small venues, cheaper promotion, and more collaboration between groups. 




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