Artist of the Month- February- Namrata Bindra

We are all looking forward to The Crucible, which will be on stage this month presented by Aurora Theatre. Playing female leader Abigail Williams, one of the evilest female characters in theatre, is Namrata Bindra. We sat down with her and found out more about her background, as well as her views towards theatre. 




1. Name, Birthplace, age: 
Namrata Bindra. Mumbai, India. 28 years old.
2. How does where you were raised affect your work?
While growing up, we were always on the move - from India to London, Mexico to Hong Kong. In doing so, I gained exposure to an incredible variety of cultures, personalities, and values. While this wasn't always ideal for a pre-teen girl, the perspective I acquired is something that I try to bring into every project or character I dive into. 
3.     Where did you train?
After double-majoring in Theatre and Psychology in Trinity College, USA, I then immersed myself in acting at Michael Howard Studios, in New York City.
4. What is your favorite style of theatre? Why?
 I love anything non-verbal. Whether Physical Theatre or absolute gibberish (I've seen a brilliant show about societal pressures which was completely in gibberish), I like to see a show transcend our notions of communication. There is so much to be said when we don't say a word. 
5.     What was the best show you EVER saw?
A piece of experimental theatre from New York City. The show was called 'BLIND.NESS (Love is a Four-Letter Word)' by WaxFactory and was probably one of the most compelling and relatable piece of theatre I have ever seen. Experimental theatre can be so hit or miss, and this play used such an array of visual, auditory, and even olfactory stimuli that it could have completely missed the mark. Instead, they found an incredible balance that I still can barely fathom, yet remember so vividly years later.
6.     What was the best show in HK you EVER saw?
I'm going to disregard any professional touring shows that come to HK and think about performances done by HK's own. A top contender would have to be one I saw relatively recently. 'The Importance of Being Earnest', performed by The Shadow Players, was a fantastic interpretation of the Oscar Wilde classic. The script is one of my favourites, and I was a little worried that the performance wouldn't meet my expectations. Instead, I found myself rediscovering why I love the piece so much. From the acting to the modern interpretation, to the actors' command over the wordy language, The Shadow Players found the nuances in all the right places.
7. What piece of work are you the proudest?
During college, I took part in a semester-long theatre program in New York City wherein we lived, breathed, and ate all theatrical things. At the end of this term, we were to create a short piece - and were given few, if any, limitations. From this was born the first piece I ever single-handedly wrote, 'Hot Commodity 101' - a satirical commentary on the way in which women so blindly follow any advice that might help them "get" a man. This little sketch helped me see that I could create something from nothing, that I could make people look at themselves, and think, and maybe even laugh out loud.
8. What is your process like?
Anyone close to me will tell you that I am a highly emotional human being. My acting teachers early on advised me to use this to my advantage, to find the characters emotional being and empathise with them. I believe that the key component to embodying any character is understanding what their opinion is and getting on their side. If you cannot convince yourself of what you want or feel, how will you convince an audience?
9.     What is your dream project?
If I could find myself acting full time, be it on stage or film, that would honestly be a dream. 
10. What do you think about the arts and theatre scene in Hong Kong?
HK has such a potential to be an artistic powerhouse just as it is a corporate one. However, the arts simply don't get their time in the sun. There are quite a few aspects where HK falls short, but the passion and commitment I have found from so many here does just the opposite. The HK scene still has so much room to grow, but I'm glad to see more and more people with the desire to see it grow.


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