Artist of the Month- June- Kate March

This month's Artist of the Month is Kate March. Kate is a choreographer and dancer that is has been working in Hong Kong for many years. She is the maestro behind I AM and passionate about reinventing creativity for the Hong Kong audience. They've done fashion events and dining experiences. Find out more on their website.


1. Name, Birthplace, Age
Kate March, CT/USA, 30 


2. How does where you were raised affect your work?

I think growing up in close proximity to NYC always influenced me subconsciously. I was outside of the real bustle, but I was always intrigued by off off off broadway from afar. I think what most affected my work was growing up in a small town and then studying abroad. The shift from local to global was liberating and I think my creativity exploded in that shift.


3. Where did you train?
I trained in a local dance school growing up with a real focus on performance. I studied at Connecticut College for my undergrad degree and at Middlesex University in London for my Masters degree...both in choreography and performance.


4. What is your favorite style of (performance)? Why?
Movement improvisation and Immersive theatre. They require tremendous presence and can provide opportunities for powerful connections between audience and performer.



5. What was the best show you EVER saw?
There have been some good ones. I guess my answer depends on my mood. Right now I am recalling one that I saw in Copenhagen. Each scandinavian country was represented by a choreographer who interpreted an element (earth, air, fire, water). One of the pieces was 15 topless men in long skirts with stark lighting on the huge stage of the Royal Opera House with some red dirt on the ground. It was contemporary dance and the imagery was striking. Usually I'm not big on stage works, but it moved me.



6. What was the best show in HK you EVER saw?

One that sticks out in my mind was performed by a dancer I work with a lot, Sarah Xiao and another APA dancer, Josh Serafin. They each did performance art solos in close proximity to the audience. It was at a space in Wong Chuk Hang called Spring Workshop. Particularly Josh's work was a journey for me to experience with beautiful and treacherous moments... and usually that's a sign that there's a lot of power in a performance. 



7.What piece of work are you the most proud of? 

I think they each have special qualities and there have been some stunning experiences. But, probably An Evening of Meat because it was the first piece I did that integrated dining with live performance and this has kind of defined my aesthetic and creative practice for the past 6 years.... a seminal piece in my repertoire.




8. What is your process like?
It's messy, experimental, and expressive. I start with a lot of emotions and ideas and then distill, distill, distill. I usually work with great collaborators so I like keeping the space open for creative dialogues.



9. What is your dream project?
I honestly don't have dream projects, if I dream it, I do it. Sometimes the budget restricts the original vision, but mostly, you just work with what you have. The next big project I want to do involves cake and transparent ponchos for the audience.



10. If you could change one thing about the art scene in HK, what would it be?
I think artists need to go back to basics: realise that in order to raise the art bar here in Hong Kong, we need to start with ourselves. Professional development and continued training, cross-collaboration, and working with new people to grow and foster our artistic voices, hone our strengths, and work on our weaknesses. Like any place, the art tends to become stagnant when the artists aren't stimulating themselves enough. It's just something to bear in mind rather than complain about budgets or lack of support.


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