Artist of The Month- March- Rebecca Leung

Closer, the latest show by Sweet and Sour Productions, opens this month and, for the occasion, we are chatting with Rebecca Leung who portrays Alice Ayres in the play. Rebecca shared her background and views with us, and we look forward to seeing her in action. 





1. Name, Birthplace, age: 
My name is Rebecca Leung. I was born in Hong Kong, and I turned 22 years old this week.



2. How does where you were raised affect your work?

The majority of my childhood was here, in Hong Kong. It is pretty incredible how accessible and valued performing arts is for adolescents in Hong Kong.  I started dance training at three years old and have continued into adulthood. My first stage show was when I was nine years old and going forward, Hong Kong gave me the opportunity to perform in bigger scale productions, sometimes twice a year. I was a very busy and inspired child and having my world immersed in the performing arts; it solidified my passions and confidence to pursue acting as a career. Moving to the USA, I was equipped with experience and skills to work and connect with many different people and personalities. 



3. Where did you train?

I studied for my AOS in Film and TV Acting at the New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts, NYC.  I did that for a whole three months until I abruptly dropped out and soon after, returned to Hong Kong. Hopefully, that counts as training. 



4. What is your favourite style of theatre? Why?

Musicals. It's easy to forget why I perform when I'm broke but musical theatre does an excellent job of reminding me why I'm on this Earth.  



5.  What was the best show you EVER saw?

Billy Elliot on West End.



6. What was the best show in HK you EVER saw?

We Will Rock You performed at the Lyric Theatre in 2008. I watched it several times and became overly fond of the lead performer., MiG Ayesa. I was simultaneously performing in the theatre next door and would wait outside the dressing rooms until I finally got the chance to meet him. He also came to watch my show...obviously had to return the favour. 




7. What piece of work are you the proudest?

In the sixth form at high school, we had an inter-house Glee competition. I directed and choreographed a performance for my house's team. Naturally, I also performed in it. We did a mash-up of 'Uptown Girl' by Billy Joel and 'Call My Name' by Cheryl Cole. Yes, my ridiculous teenage love for Cheryl Cole demanded we use her song. With the use of glow sticks, rock guitar solos and dance cannons, we ended up winning the competition.  



8. What is your process like?


Firstly, I convert all my lines into a song, and suddenly it seems I can instantly remember my lines. The long and gruelling part is understanding why my character would say or do anything that she does. I will gather all the information that is given to me by the playwright and then sometimes create an entire life story to fill in the gaps. I also trust my point of view but am not married to it. I ask a lot of question. The Closer cast and our director, Candice has been critical to me understanding my character and how to follow through with choices. 


9. What is your dream project?

I want to be on the writing team and cast of a mockumentary style TV show.



10. What do you think about the arts and theatre scene in Hong Kong? 

Although I was raised in Hong Kong, I have recently returned as an 'adult'. Closer will be the first play that I perform as an older person, ie. not 15. I have yet to figure out the arts and theatre scene in Hong Kong. I stumbled upon the audition for Closer and am truly grateful that I did. I hope this is only the beginning. 


For more information about Closer, click here. 


  • Ellen Garthoff
    01 March 2018

    Congratulations, Rebecca, and best wishes for every success!
  • Ellen Garthoff
    01 March 2018

    Congratulations, Rebecca, and beat wishes for every success!!

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