Artist of The Month- October- Ivan Idzik
Another South African actor has caught our attention this month- and for a good reason, as Ivan Idzik is starring as Sherlock Holmes in Sweet and Sour's upcoming production Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery.
Ivan shared his vision and thoughts with us. Read the interview and make sure you catch his play!
1. Name, Birthplace, age
My name is Ivan Theodore Idzik, the surname is Polish. I'm 31 years old and was born in Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa.
2. How does where you were raised affect your work?
I think that growing up in South Africa, as I’m sure other places do too, makes one aware of the amazing potential that the arts and theatre have in bringing about both joy and change in the world. Being raised in a country torn between the dichotomy of astounding potential and strife in which artists of all descriptions do their part is inspiring yet simultaneously overwhelming. Both in highlighting the country's beauty, diversity, and potential- as well as social issues and injustices, does spark a flame to have a cause.
3. What is your favourite style of theatre? Why?
I have a fondness for all styles of theatre from “straight plays” to musicals to Theatre of Cruelty. That being said, my favourite would have to be physical theatre as there is, to me, something astounding about the way bodies move and can express and emote without using society's current, predominant form of communication.....text...? Well no, I'm still old school so it would have to be the spoken word.
4. What is the best show you ever saw?
This is a tough question, but I think the show that left a lasting impression on me was a production that I saw in South Africa years ago of Master Harrold...and the Boys.
5. What was the best show in HK you ever saw?
I thoroughly enjoyed Priscilla Queen of the Desert, the Musical currently performed at the APA’s Lyric Theatre.
6. Of what piece of work are you the proudest?
It would have to be the production of A Language of Their Own, which we performed at the Hong Kong Fringe Club in Central in both 2015 and 2016.
7. What is your process like?
I'm an analytical person, so I dissect my script, which ends up looking terrible as it is usually covered with notes. I will also quite often plot the emotional path in a graph in an attempt to understand the character's journey, as well as the intentions of the writer(s). Mind maps help me too. Yes, my nerd side is starting to show. That being said, I do not like having things set early on as acting is, to me, all about "listening" to all the languages available, body language, speech, tone, intonation, and vibes because this is what we, as actors - I feel, are reacting to. I am one of those actors who is "on book" for long during the rehearsal process as the words are essential and thus would like to get them right. They have been written that way for a reason.
8. What is your dream project?
I don't have a dream project, which is a little lame but each project has its specific challenges and learning curves. I do have a great love for film acting so would love to get back into that side of things as well.
9. What do you think of the arts and theatre scene in HK?
There is always something happening in Hong Kong, which is fantastic! The downside seems to be getting the word out there. I've spoken to many people who have no idea that there is a theatre scene in Hong Kong because unless you are a part of the theatre scene or know someone who is, you just don't know about it, which is such a shame.
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