Artist of the Month-March-Joms Ortega

This month we're featuring local performer Joms Ortega. Joms is a local actor who got his feet wet in Hong Kong performing at Hong Kong Disney. He now has become a staple of the local English speaking theatre scene. You may have seen him in Champagne and Cigarettes and The Vixens Christmas Extravaganza. You can catch him later this month in #HKproblems_theplay or in April at The Last Days of Judas Iscariot.

1. Name, Nationality, Age
Joms Ortega, Born in Manila, Philippines, 27 years old

2. How does where you were raised affect your work?
Being raised a Filipino, i was taught to be passionate with everything I do. That's what I bring into Theater (or in everything I do), Intense Passion.

3. Where did you train?
I was trained as a Musical Theater Performer through Summer Workshops and Professional Productions in the Philippines. I've done it for 5 years prior to moving here and performing for a Theme Park.

4. What is your favorite style of Theater? Why?
I am a Musical Theater geek, and I love everything about Musical Theater... the songs, the dancing, and everything that comes into the package. I consider myself as a walking Musical Theater production because I just burst out into Song and Dance randomly.

5. What was the best show you EVER saw?
For the more popular ones, it's Wicked in Singapore. The show just made me cry like a baby.But, I would like to say that the BEST show I've seen is "OROSMAN at ZAFIRA" by the University of the Philippines Theater Group DUP. The passion and the intensity of the show is just outstanding.

6. What was the best show in HK you EVER saw?
The best show I've ever seen in HK is WWO (World of Wearable Art). I would consider it partly a local production because I do have local dancer friends in it and some local model friends who wore the costume pieces, so it was great. It was very visual, and I like visual shows.

7.What piece of work are you the most proud of?
My short stint in HK Disneyland as one of the vocalists in the Golden Mickeys. It's one of the most dear to my heart.

8. What is your process like?
I'm more kinaesthetic in my process... once I start moving or blocking the show, the character comes to life easier.

9. What is your dream project?
To be either Bernardo in a touring cast of West Side Story, Seaweed in Hairspray, or Fiyero in Wicked.

10. If you could change one thing about the art scene in HK, what would it be?
I would like it to be more accessible to the public and try to get the public to like it. HK could become quite stressful, and if Art is around for everyone to see, hear or touch, then people would have ways to just relax and de-stress.



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