Artist of the Month-May-Natalie Lund

This month's artist of the month is Natalie Lund. Natalie is our first Artist of the Month to originate from South America. She's a very talented and stunning actress who has appeared in several local productions over the past few years. And may we mention... the girl can SING!!! She's currently starring as Brutus in The Tragedy of Miss Julius Caesar at Shakespeare in the Port.



1. Name, Birthplace, Age

Natalie Lund, São Paulo, 30

2. How does where you were raised affect your work?

Having been brought up in various countries and cultures I had the chance to take from these cultures whatever tools I needed - be it the flexibility and good humour of the Brazilians but also the correctness and punctuality of the Germans.

3. Where did you train?

Stage School of Music, Dance and Drama in Hamburg.

4. What is your favorite style of theatre? Why?

After being part of The Tragedy of Miss Julius Caesar, I have to say that I have to go back to the roots of my desire to being on stage and say Musical Theatre. Being able to sing and dance during a play was amazing!

5. What was the best show you EVER saw?

I can not decide whether the best show was Mademoiselle Chanel with the great Brazilian Marília Pera in Paris or The Diary of a Madman with Geoffrey Rush in Sydney. Both were basically monologues but the talent of the actors made it feel like a full blown play. The talent and dedication was absolutely amazing!

6. What was the best show in HK you EVER saw? (You cannot say your own.)

Sadly I don't get to see that many shows in Hong Kong. But one that I really liked was Venus in Fur by Sweet and Sour Productions. Great theme, great direction and great acting!

7.What piece of work are you the most proud of? (please include photo, if possible)

Definitely Aurora Production's Bittergirl! It was such a tough preparation and took all the strength and energy I had. I played C who was married with a child and got dumped by her husband. The emotional turmoil and pain she goes through I know all too well, as my life had gone the same path (swap the kid for a puppy). It was like revisiting my painful separation over and over and over and over again. It was a great production with very few props, loads of emotion and also humour, a fabulous and very small cast and directed by the grand Brad Powers.

8. What is your process like?

My process is to first find out everything I can about the character. If it is non fictional, read up on who that person was, when she lived, what she has done, understand the motives behind the actions and then put my personal spin on it. If the character is fictional, the script and the director will give me the information I need. Lots of the lines I learn during the scene work and to polish them up I usually rap or sing them in various melodies then gradually run them at high speed without inflections (a grand idea of one of my drama teachers).

9. What is your dream project?

My dream project would definitely be to play a lead in a Broadway Musical!

10. If you could change one thing about the art scene in HK, what would it be?

I have heard so many times: Woah! 250-280$ for a ticket? That is so expensive!
The spaces, the marketing, the rehearsal space etc are so expensive, it makes the ticket prices soar. I wish the government would support (financially, marketing etc.) the independent and community theatres much more so we can attract more people to come to our shows.

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artist of the month, may


  • erika lessmann
    02 May 2014

    Natalie is absolutely amazing
    wish her great success

  • muccapazza
    02 May 2014

    This girl was born for the stage! Congrats!

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