Artist of the Month-November-Jennifer Fong
Jennifer Fong is a local actress who has become known in town for her brilliant comedic timing, flexibility as a performer and flare for designing dramatic costumes. You might have seen her in Jonathan Rand's, Check Please as part of Aurora Theatre's Champagne & Cigarettes back in September. You can catch her next month in Vixens Burlesque's next cabaret project, The Christmas Extravaganza. If you meet her once, you fall in love with her dazzling personality, great work ethic and her bravery as a performer. Despite growing up as a very shy child, she's one of the least shy people I've ever met. And that's saying something in our business.
1. Name, Birthplace, Age
Jennifer Fong, Toronto Ontario, 28
2. How does where you were raised affect your work?
Although I was born in Toronto, I’ve lived most of my life in Hamilton, Ontario – a city 45 minutes drive from Toronto. I’m from a typical Chinese Canadian family where I was expected to be a lawyer or a doctor. I was also very shy. For me, acting was a great way to escape all those pressures, break out of the shy barrier and thus discover myself.
3. Where did you train?
McMaster University and Central Academy of Drama Beijing.
4. What is your favorite style of theatre? Why?
I love comedies; anything that gets me laughing. I’m easily entertained. However, I’m a nervous wreck when I’m doing a comedy. So much of it depends on the audience's reaction and if they don’t laugh, I’ve failed. That’s why I fell in love with Burlesque; it’s sexy and funny. My golden rule is: “if my routine did not dazzle you, here are my tits!” You’re bound to get some sort of reaction from the audience.
5. What was the best show you EVER saw?
Twelfth Night at The Globe with Mark Rylance and Stephen Fry. Honestly, if you’ve ever been to The Globe to see any Shakespeare production while standing for 3 hours straight, you’ll be blown away.
6. What was the best show in HK you EVER saw? (You cannot say your own.)
I think the best show I’ve ever seen in HK was the original production by Chung Ying Theatre Company – Last Bet of My Dead Aunt《 頭注香》2006. It’s an absurdist comedy written by Szeto Wai Kin, a local playwright. I’ve never seen slapstick, satirical comedy performed so perfectly in Hong Kong before or since.
7. What piece of work are you the most proud of?
It’s hard to say which piece of work I’m most proud of as each piece represents a unique part of me. Nevertheless, here are two of my latest works:
Snow and the Deadly Seven, May 2012
Champagne and Cigarettes, September 2012
8. What is your process like?
I’d go into any project ready to learn from my peers. It’s an open process where everyone can input ideas, drawing on pop culture and past productions of a piece. In the end, it should be an outcome that I can be proud of and most importantly, my director should be proud of. I remember my mentor telling me that a well-rounded artist is one who never apologizes and so I try to live by that. Being a burlesque performer; you’re either a sex goddess on stage or you’re a bumbling fool (on purpose or not - oops!). Commit to your performance and don’t apologize!
9. What is your dream project?
My dream project is to star in a biographical movie about Cantopop diva Paula Tsui. I just love her costumes.
10. If you could change one thing about the arts scene in HK, what would it be?
It’s very unfortunate that space is so limited in Hong Kong. I would build a café with a proper theatre stage with little to no restrictions as to how late you stay; because art doesn’t stop at midnight. And with this space, I would give the Vixens a home to perform in whenever they wanted. It’s time to educate the Hong Kong audience on what Burlesque is really about.
David Tanner
The Vixens are as sexy as a goat`s bollocks
20 November 2012Hannah
Someone's just jealous they weren't picked.
24 November 2012