Audience Members Booed at HK Arts Festival for Clapping
In one of the oddest arts stories of recent note, at the opening concert at Hong Kong Arts Festival, there was an incident where audience members clapped too early in the piece. (Everyone knows... HK audiences love to clap!)
Staatskapelle Dresden, one of the world’s best orchestras, was playing the last, intense chords of Richard Strauss’ Metamorphosen and an enthusiastic audience member made the mistake of clapping before they finished.
“Get out, you get out!” yelled one angry concert-goer, only about 10 feet from the original clapper, reports the SCMP. When asked why he yelled at the appreciative audience member.
"I'm sorry, but if I don't do that, I'm afraid many performers will never come here," said the first person who shouted, who claimed he'd had enough of such early applauders after a similar experience during last year’s festival. People's vigorous applause ruined the events for him.
Is there such a thing as too much applause?
Will we now see installed "APPLAUSE" signs at the theatre?
Is applauding too early something that should be easily forgiven or is it taboo as using your phone during a show?
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