Audience Reaction-9 Circles-ACT Hong Kong


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audience reaction, theatre

Rate This Show: 1 2 3 4 5 Audience Rating: 3.3


  • Tom
    08 May 2014

    This is a great show: two hours with no intermission exploring a very dark subject (a US soldier on trial for war crimes in Iraq) with shifting perspectives that keep you gripped and questioning and not wanting to leave your seat (so make sure your bladder's empty at the start ...) with humour and compassion and plenty more in the mix too. Hamish Campbell is great as the embattled Private Reeves but it's the ensemble work which makes this so compelling, plus the high production values. The extra kick in the teeth is that it's based on real events which led (this year - after rehearsals for this production had started) to the soldier in question killing himself. Respect to ACT and director Eric Ng (and everyone else involved) for staging this: community theatre that's pertinent and powerful - go see!
  • Happy
    08 May 2014

    Hamish Campbell = so sexy la

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