Audience Reaction-Let's Go Play-Picaras Theatre Company


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Rate This Show: 1 2 3 4 5 Audience Rating: 3.2


  • David Tobin
    07 June 2014

    Let's Go Play is locally produced by a new theatre company Picarus Productions. Irish Producer, Director and Actress Eve O' Mahony presents a short 50 mins collection of bizarre, post modern and contemporary scenes featuring dance, mime, improvisation, audience interaction and both dark and comedic moments.

    O' Mahony and her cast of 9 actors have written, choreographed an devised many of the pieces one of which is taken from the original content of the directors one woman show, Girl Uninterrupted. But is it any good?

    I went to this show expecting something random and perhaps uninteresting but was pleasantly surprised when I entered Horizon Theatre (73 Bedford Road) in the Olympic, Prince Edward district, a second floor walk up that is tricky to find but a wonderful space.

    This black box theatre has a simple but well utilized, (by Caroline Davis), lighting and sound system. The Audience sit in tiered seating, (a luxury which even some more expensive theaters in Hong Kong have not provided in the past.), which means we missed none of the action, even if we didn't understand it all.

    The opening scene and bows are innovative and a charming introduction to a strong and confident cast. The first scene features some wonderful choreography by Marek Steenkamp but my two favorite scenes were the 'Dinner Date' featuring Rebecca Hopkinson in her Hong Kong Debut and some rather awkward first date style moments.

    The second scene that had me laughing and clapping most was the 'rehearsal' scene which was the funniest scene I have seen since May and will be entirely different tonight since it was improvised with fantastic results from O' Mahony as well as Daniel Felix Johnson and Elliot Brophy.

    Where the show can improve us its length as it is a little short and at times the lip syncing could be done in a more entertaining way with a little more movement and facial expression which would come with practice and fluency.

    However the majority of the show was thought prevolking, laugh out loud funny or just plain bizzare. Either way the audience could not help but react and engage with the disturbing and at times hilarious 'playing' that the talented boys and girls engaged in.

    50mins was short but sweet and left the audience wanting more. $100 BYOB means a cheap and interesting night is available for the last time tonight at 8.30pm.

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