Audience Reaction-The Woman in Black


Did you have a chance to see The Woman in Black?

What did you think of it?

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audience reaction, theatre

Rate This Show: 1 2 3 4 5 Audience Rating: 1.8


  • Yuxin
    09 December 2013

    It was scary! I particularly like the idea of the whole play is the rehearsal of a stage performance (reminds me of the upcoming Venus in Fur), theatre about theatre.
  • danwi
    09 December 2013

    I was a bit disappointed. The acting was very good (only 2 actors narrating the story), but I would have preferred to have watched a story without the artificiality of the rehearsal scenario and jumping back and forth from the story to the rehearsal part. It wasn't at all scary and tried to rely on cheap shocks (boo!) to give the audience a fright. Some jolted, others were asleep. The theater is not the best too. The slope is very gentle and I had tall people in front of me, blocking a large part of the view.

    So, we won't be returning to the Lyric Theater and while the performance was good in parts, we didn't really enjoy it as we had expected a much richer experience with more actors than just 2 and better props.

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