Bringing Social Media to the Theatre?
A recent article in the Guardian suggested that 35% of audience members want a special section in theatres to allow texting and social media apps during productions.
"People need to be able to stay connected. If theatre wants to stay alive as an artform it needs to move into the new century and embrace social media."
As an artist, I recoil and have very bad reactions at the idea of the person next to me texting during a show. Not only is it disrespectful to the artist on stage but the light pollution is very annoying to those around you and completely ruins the magic of the theatre. I saw Lady Gaga in Hong Kong a few years and I was shocked how many people spent 90% of the show taking photos and video instead of enjoying the experience. Social media has it's benefits of helping promote a show but I can't help but think it would have more negative effects than positive ones.
Thoughts HKELD fans? Should we make special social media zones in theatres for smart phone addicts?
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