Calm down! It's just a duck...


Recently, the Hong Kong twitterati and people have been going nuts over the Rubber Ducky project by Florentijn Hofman. The message of the piece is seemingly simple; just be happy. There's no need to fight. I dare you to look at this duck and not smile!

Over 4,000 tweets went up in HK over 6 hours. It was in all the major publications. I'm pleased as punch to see an art project causing such a stir. People often say that nothing happens in HK, that people don't care about art in town. This is obviously not true--- look at the mass chaos the rubber ducky has brought upon us!

Now, am I one of those people flipping out over him? No, not really... He's cute and he's a perfect example of accessible art for the masses. Anyone can appreciate him, he's free to look at, and very kid friendly. Maybe we as local artists should borrow something from the rubber ducky's philosophy and jut create something happy!

And I hope the Hong Kong audience will remember this experience and pass on this same enthusiasm for local artists in the future. The arts are an important part of our society and we can only help our community grow through love and support.

The rubber ducky project will be floating in the harbor through June 5th.

Here's some great photos of the duck! The adorable kids duck dancing at the opening ceremony was so cute!









Quack on!

Related articles:

rubber duck, hong kong


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