Cavalia Pitches Its Tent in Hong Kong


Yesterday HKELD was invited to the tent raising for Cavalia.



Cavalia is a veritable revolution in live entertainment, incorporating the power and magnificence of the horses in a multi-media production that both captures the imagination and propels the centuries’-old tradition of equestrian arts into the 21st Century, where performers bring their gentle and magical way with horses to the heart and soul of each and every show. 



“Celebrating Horses, Human and their Bonds.”- The New York Times



Cavalia is a show from Quebec and thus all the horses speak French! How interesting.

We watched the techies climb ladders to up to 70ft. in the air yesterday to raise the flags.

You can't be afraid of heights to work on this show.

Cavalia opens in Hong Kong on March 31. Tickets are now on sale through Hkticketing.


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hongkong, theatre


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