Coming Soon... The Hong Kong People's Fringe Festival


The Hong Kong People's Fringe Festival is back this month with tons of events happening in just thirty days (November 21st to December 21st). With so many shows and workshops happening all over the city in alternative venues we can understand that you might be a little overwhelmed on what to choose but DON'T WORRY, HKELD is here to help you!



Now first, what is the HKPFF?

The HKPFF describes itself as:

"An open-access multi-arts festival entirely initiated by the community. Having the same vision as the world renowned Edinburgh Festival Fringe, it embraces every form of art, encouraging local artists to promote the fringe culture in various communities. It also resolves to uncover new spaces for arts purposes, and to enliven the city and the hearts of its people."


Where is the festival?

There are 20 alternative venues hosting events all over the city. From book stores to the Cattle Depot, to a mall plaza, to a church basement... you can find a new place to discover art in town next month. And you can find a show that's right for you because the festival has no restrictions on language or medium. There are music events, theatre events, dance shows, standup, magic, puppet shows, workshops, spoken word and world premiere shows happening at the Fringe.


The best part about the festival?

Definitely the price! 95% of the events are 100hkd. You can book tickets several different ways. The first way is through Artmate, the official ticket sponsor of the festival. The second way is through reserving tickets through the individual shows. And thirdly with most events you can just rock up day of the event and buy a ticket. A lot of the events for this year's festival are free! Fair warning though - due to the small size of some of the venues, seating is limited. We recommend you arrive early if you plan on buying tickets on the day of the show.


How do I know the festival is right for me?

You don't. But with a little research you can find out which show tickles your fancy. There are shows from all over the tapestry of Hong Kong's cultural landscape. Want to see some magic in Cantonese? HKPFF has you covered. This festival has it all from physical theatre to theatre of the absurd to romantic comedy. Several languages are also available to patrons including Cantonese, Mandarin, Japanese, and English just to name a few. And of course... body language is universal. *meow*


How can I find out more about the festival?

You can find out more through their website. 


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