Community Meeting?


I was having a chat the other day with some people in the theatre scene and the idea of a yearly theatre scene meeting came up. A meeting where all the heads of the various companies get together and share their ideas for the upcoming year: dates, shows, etc.

The whole idea is that we get an idea of the schedules everyone is doing so we don't clash dates or don't try to do similar shows. Would that be something people would be interested in doing? HKELD would be happy to host! And we're happy to bring in some of our analytics and stats from the site to help you guys know what the people of HK are wanting more of. Our philosophy is that an open dialogue benefits all of us!

We could also get a conversation going on people needing to borrow props/costumes/etc. The more we help each other- the stronger the community grows. So, who's down?


Are you interested in having a theatre scene meeting? free polls 



  • brad jacobs
    19 July 2013

    Wow. I didn't know sunglasses were so interested in the art scene of HK. It's amazing. Do they want to give us free pairs? LOL
  • Joms
    20 July 2013

    Ray Ban was too blinded by the glare of the wonderful idea in this article!

    Honestly, shows would be more accessible if they were not playing on the same dates.
  • Jemma
    21 July 2013

    True dat.
  • Nicole Garbellini
    21 July 2013

    Yes, please. It would be very, very useful. Somehow some time ago someone started this idea, and carried on for a short while, until it got lost and forgotten. Let's retake that habit back on again. Thank you.
  • Nicole Garbellini
    24 July 2013

    Is there any way to stop these spam messages? Meaghan, can you delete them or something? It's really annoying!!
  • editor
    29 July 2013

    Trust me Nicole... I delete about 300-400 spams a day. We delete them and they come back. Anonymous commenting was something our readers wanted with HKELD as they feared backlash from commenting on the web. This unfortunately is a side effect of that.

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