Conscious Art Consumption




Part of Meaghan's Notes from her TedX Wanchai talk last night:


"The cruelest thing you can say to an artist is that their art is perfect, when it's not..."- Yatzee Crenshaw


I say the cruelest thing that you can actually say to an artist is nothing...


Hong Kong is not a cultural desert. There is a misconception that nothing happens here. That artists here create nothing of value and that the best shows are those that are imported. Arts criticism is deeply lacking in this town and only compounds serious issues that artists face in Hong Kong. People think that the only shows worth the press' time and our money are fancy tours or shows with celebrities. I state that this is false.


We have a wonderfully diverse art scene that is deeply undervalued by the community. We created the Umbrella Man. We made a revolution that was championed by creativity and art. We should be proud of that. 


They tell you to go green at the grocery store. Buy local- support local businesses. It's better for the environment, the economy... But have you thought of going green with art? What impact do your art choices make?


I'm not saying these things to say that tours are evil. I love Phantom of Opera- but think about what percentage of the money from your ticket sale actually returns to the local art community?


Be a conscious consumer with art. Buy local and support your local artists. Know where your money goes and how it is spent. Know who is an NGO and who is not. Ask questions. Find out who hires local artists, who pays artists for their time, and how their funding works. Open dialogue about these things, leads to greater trust between the artist and their audience. 


And if you have any questions about how to find out what shows are happening or how to get involved with supporting Hong Kong's art scene contact me. 




  • John S Lee
    29 January 2015

    Is there video of the conference? I would love to see it. You're awesome Meaghan.
  • Meaghan
    29 January 2015

    There isn't a video from last night to my knowledge but there are some pictures. If I make the finals there will be the fancy film crew and I get the 18 minute speech, rather than the 3 minute speed round!

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