Coping with post-show blues


by Nicole Garbellini

I write this article as I have yet to come down from my post-show blues after The Crucible. Together with the cast, I did nothing but breathing and absorbing the play in every single little detail for months. So much to do, and so little time, but thanks to the incredible effort of everyone involved in the production, everything worked out very well. When the show was on, and we were all getting ready to hit the stage, the atmosphere and energy behind the scenes in the green room of the theatre were simply fantastic. But the higher on adrenaline one goes, the harder one will be hit once it is over, and that’s what happened to us all. 




I found myself getting on top of things just to react to the awful feeling of being down. I looked into rights to purchase for our next productions. I took on more work. But all this doesn't take away the feeling that I miss everyone a lot and I know that even though there will be other shows just as amazing but in a different way, the experience of The Crucible has now come to an end and we all have to accept it. 

I have dwelled (I still am) in not-so-positive thoughts and little energy, googling around on whether something could be done or not (is there a happy pill? Is there a counselling centre for those involved in the Hong Kong Theatre community somewhere? Should one bury oneself in bed and get out a week later - even better, in an induced coma?)



I have found an article that was comforting and the reading just made me think that, instead of struggling with making oneself feeling better at all costs, it is simply more advisable not to do anything at all for a short while and recharge somehow in a different way. 

I’ve also realised that hair dye and sleep can make a pretty substantial contribution to the feel-good factor (or a haircut, as most of the gents who acted in the play did straight afterwards!).

Read the article here. Hope it helps!





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