Creativity Continues to Pour Out of the Umbrella Movement


New projects continue to pop up daily at Occupy Central. Everything from performance art with dancing umbrellas to photo projects. We've continued going down to the site daily to get photographs of what's been happening and we took a walking tour with our Iphone to show our international viewers the space. We've been working with our UMAP initiative to add over 3,000 photos to the digital archive on FB so far! Check it out.


We admit the quality isn't the greatest and so we invite you to help us make better videos. (And more of them!)



Created by Miso



Created by RedCat



Artist Unkown



Artist Unknown


We need high quality videos walking the entire space that we can later stitch together to make a 3D rendering of the area. Click here to join the Facebook group. You can also email high-res videos and photos to us at

Our website is still being built and if you have any skills in that department, we'd love your assistance!




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