Critics Rating System
Starting February 1, 2013 the critic's panel will start rating shows. Here are our guidelines for how they will rate shows, based on 3 main criteria:
1) Entertainment
2) Vision
3) Achievement
We ask our critics to always ask these 3 basic questions when they see a show: "Did I enjoy myself?", "What did the show seek to do?" and "Did it succeed?"
We will visualize the rating with HKELD speech bubbles. 5 being the best and 1 being the worst.
The Bubbles and Their Meanings
AMAZING! PERFECT! One of the best shows I've seen in my life. Not only would I pay the price of the most expensive ticket once, I'd go back and see it again. A show that receives this rating is a triple treat: great acting, beautiful design and a fantastic overall theatrical experience.
A great show. Maybe not perfect but it works well on all levels. I would recommend it to others as a ‘must see’. Definitely worth the money.
A good show but I wouldn’t go to see it again. Worth the ticket price and something I would recommend to others as worth checking out.
This is a show that I personally didn’t enjoy but which might be ok for others, or which had moments of brilliance or other redeeming qualities. Not something I myself would pay to go and see.
Not a good show for anyone (in my opinion).
And that’s not all – YOU get to have YOUR say too – by giving your rating of the show (1 for poor, 5 for brilliant) – in a dedicated box. What’s more, we preserve your anonymity by presenting it as an averaged overall ‘Audience Rating’. We ask that you don’t try to cheat the system by submitting more than one rating, so what shows is truly a weighted overall average of our readership’s views – and that you go to see the show before you rate it!