Do's and Don'ts for Audience Members
Theatre would be nothing without its audience. But recently I've noticed some bad behavior from HK audiences. I thought maybe some people were unaware that their behavior is wrong. So I've made a simple do's and don'ts for audience members that are new to the theatre.
1. Be on time. Most theatres in HK open up 10 minutes before show time.
2. Be enthusiastic. If they encourage audience participation, join in!
3. Turn off your phone.
4. Have fun!
5. Wear deodorant.
1. Refuse to move your legs so someone has to climb over you to get to their seat.
2. Continue to text, Google or Facebook during the show. It's true that it doesn't make noise but the light bothers other patrons and it's rude to the performers.
3. Fall asleep.
4. Take photos (flash or non).
5. Open a candy or go digging through your purse during a climax of the play.
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