Free and Pretty Dresses?!!


Me: Do you like ballet?
Celeste: Yes.
Me: Why?
Celeste: Pretty dresses!

Well said, Celeste...

Yesterday I was invited to the Hong Kong Ballet and 1881 Heritage's collaboration on the History and Development of Ballet in Hong Kong. It was a free exhibition of photos, costumes and videos of performance footage and a free sample performance from the recently heralded Cinderella. The crowd was bustling full of media people, parents who were invited to bring their kids and tourists who just randomly stopped by. An hour of free ballet performance and photo taking with the cast in beautifully designed costumes, what's not to love? The frog costumes were the best part of the show and were sooooo cute. Props to the boys for wearing foam insulated costumes out in the heat and leaping like proud little froggies! How great is it that we live in a city where we can see free ballet on a Wednesday afternoon?

I love that the Hong Kong Ballet teamed up with 1881 to do a performance for the public and decided to put their work on display for the next few months for free. They easily could have sold this exhibit to a local museum but instead are allowing the public to see it at no charge. Conveniently located in the Grand Piazza of 1881 right by the L6 exit of TST the photos, costumes and videos will be on display until January.

A great free treat for little girls and their moms. If there is any critique of the exhibit I wish that the information of the costume designers would have been available on the exhibit plates at this event. To have such beautiful pieces of art work on display and not mention the person who designed them is a bit of a faux pas in my mind. (But I'm a costume designer...) To me it would be like putting up a painting and not mentioning it's a Monet.

If you have a little girl (or boy) who wants to be a dancer I recommend taking them to see this exhibit. It costs no money and there's some beautiful art and dance on display. It's a bi-lingual exhibit so both Cantonese and English speaking families can enjoy.

Related articles:

hong kong ballet, 1881


  • Sally
    28 September 2012

    Gonna take my girls to this immediately!
  • Ballet_girl
    29 September 2012

    Thanks for coming! Pretty dresses are one of the perks of a ballerina...

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