Hecklers Announcement!
Over the past 72 hours we've had a large number of fraudulent votes come in from overseas. (Hundreds of ballots coming in, who are just voting for one singular person on the ballot and obviously have no knowledge of the quality of the performances.)
One of the Hecklers' mantras is, "Anyone can vote and anyone can be nominated," but we want these awards to be a true reflection of what Hong Kong audiences think are best shows and performances of the year. (Not a popularity contest of who has the most Facebook friends...) The awards won't be fun or fair if someone just has all their overseas friends vote for them. I know, personally, I wouldn't want to win like that.
For this reason, all votes from that are cast from outside Hong Kong will not be counted.
We will be extending the voting period until August 27th so that artists that are overseas on vacation can get back into town. If you are a working Hong Kong artist and will not return to Hong Kong before August 27th, you may submit your votes via email to editor@hkeld.com and we will manually enter your ballots.
You may also submit an in person paper ballot at our Forum at Culture Club on August 26th, if you prefer.
Thank you for your enthusiasm for the awards.
Our staff is working hard to make the Hecklers bigger and even better this year. We love putting on the ceremony for you and are looking forward to the awards on September 7th!
Keep an eye out for your invitations. They'll be coming out within the next week.
If you have any questions about the Hecklers, the voting process, or whether your ballot will count- please do not hesitate to send me an email.
Meaghan McGurgan
Rickshaw Jones
This is quite humorous and yet displays how there are some in this community that have no shame.
11 August 2014M.M.
Dear HKELD, fair is fair, but how about those people who did see the various shows and expressed their preference from abroad? Is it all toilet paper now?
11 August 2014Editor
If you've had a friend who is currently overseas who saw and loved your show but will not return before August 27th- have them send us an email with their votes and we will manually enter the data. If they have already voted and are concerned their vote will not count- have them shoot us an email and we'll make sure it's counted.
12 August 2014