Hecklers Update


We need to make an announcement that is pretty common sense but it must be stated for legal purposes: Incomplete ballots or ballots that are just plain confusing will not be counted. Spam and hate filled ballots will also be ignored.

For example: "That guy in that show" would not be counted. An acting ballot vote for "Meaghan McGurgan"* would also not be counted because Meaghan McGurgan has been in several productions over the past year. You must state for which production you are nominating her so that the votes can be properly tallied. Only 10 days of voting left! We had hundreds of votes sent in so far and still plenty of time to get your nominations in. Any show performed from July 2012- June 2013 is eligible. If you have any questions about the categories and the rules you can always refer back to our announcement article. If you have a show that you feel is worthy of nomination make sure you voice is heard by nominating it!

*The "Meaghan McGurgan" vote is simply an example and in no way a suggestion to vote for this person. We're just getting a bunch of votes for people that we can't count at the moment and decided to use the editor's name as an example.

The HKELD Team

Happy Voting!

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hecklers, hkeld, award