

On Twitter there is a very popular hashtag going about known as #hkproblems.

People on twitter using this hashtag complain about problems that are ever unique to "Asia's World City".

I took a look back on some of my favorite ones that I think would be excellent fodder for plays in the future.

Damn it! Where's my Octopus card? #hkproblems

People at the MTR pretending that they're sleeping at 8pm to avoid eye contacts with others. #hkproblems

: people who can't walk in a straight line, walk really slowly and/or hold up an umbrella when it isn't raining

Today, all the hipsters crossed the harbour for . Sheung Wan is now much more spacious.

Wait. We belong to China?

I don't get why people won't move over when there are people that need to get off at the station!

Umbrella Dodging...

Please share your #hkproblems here.

You can follow hkeld on twitter @hkeldcom

plus our editor @mmcgurgan or two of our critics @BOFharry and @stephipster

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#hkproblems, hong kong


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