Hong Kong's Bravest Busker!


A musician who stood up to MTR staff who tried to stop him from singing and strumming his guitar on a bridge near Kwun Tong station has been praised as a hero.


The incident comes amid tension between musicians and the MTR Corporation over a series of incidents in which young musicians were kicked off trains for carrying instruments railway staff said were too big for trains. The Staff seemed stumped by the musician’s reply, while passers-by applauded his actions. On social media, he was hailed as “brave” and a “hero”. Chinese-language media reported that the musician was a winner of the Hong Kong round of the Voice of China, which is similar to the reality show The Voice. (In case you hadn't guessed that already...)


In reply to the media, an MTR spokesman said that, at around 11:30pm on Saturday, the Kwun Tong station staff received a complaint from a passenger (aka jerk) of a person playing guitar near an exit. 


To avoid a nuisance to passengers, an employee asked the man to stop playing. When the person ignored the request, police were called, and he left. The spokesman said the area concerned was under the MTR’s management jurisdiction, but according to public records it is public space. Interesting...


For those of you who are upset about the recent MTR incidents having to do with restraining the carrying of musical instruments on board the trains there will be a protest on October 3rd (Saturday) at Tai Wai station. Musicians are encouraged to bring their instruments and play them at the station from 6-8pm. You can find out more information at the protest's Facebook event. 



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