How To Make Stage Blood


Isn't Christmas time all about feeling cozy and peaceful? So, let me teach you about making stage blood. Why buy it when you can make it?

There are different types of recipes for different needs. Some people may need an edible recipe to come out of one's mouth and others may need a version that is easily washable out of clothes. There is also a chunky recipe. Do not use the chunky recipe on any actors with allergies to peanuts. Always ask performers about skin allergies before putting stage blood on them. Safety first!

Edible Recipe
Karo Brand Corn Syrup (1 bottle)
Red Food coloring (half a bottle)
Blue Food coloring (one to two drops)
Cocoa powder (optional)

This is a bright red blood. The corn syrup is sticky and the food coloring will stain, so only apply this blood to people and clothing you don't mind stained. You can mix in a bit of cocoa for a darker appearance. Adding in a drop of blue coloring will make it a more realistic blood color. Most commonly used in blood bags.

Non Edible Recipe
Blue Woolite
Red food coloring

Good for creating a LOT of blood on a budget and for making blood that is washable. Add a whole bottle of woolite to a whole bottle of red food coloring. Mix and pour. Careful, very slippery.

Chunky Recipe
Golden Syrup (bottle)
Red food coloring (bottle)
Peanut butter (one spoon full)
Blue food coloring (1 to 2 drops)
Corn starch (as needed for thickening)

This is a good recipe for thick blood or congealed blood that needs to stay put. Not good for filling blood bags. Also stains a lot and is very sticky.

Blood Bag Secret
Gladd Press and Seal Wrap. It works amazingly.Trust me.

Do you have any stage blood secrets to share?

Related articles:

stage blood, recipes


  • Timmy
    27 December 2012

    Hilarious and useful information to have. Happy Xmas!

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