Intern Horror Story #1


We have an awesome intern on staff at HKELD named Steven. We have been torturing him the past couple weeks having him send lots of emails, doing a lot of "busy work" that needs to get done. That is the pain of being an intern. They go by many names. Slave, coffee bitch, hey you, copy boy, mail room clerk, production assistant, but most commonly they are called intern. I love our little Steven, he doesn't ask for much, he's small and quiet. He doesn't need much food or water. Low maintenance- like a plant. We went and saw a show together about a week ago and we were talking about the whole intern experience. Everyone has done it, at least once in their life. I've had three intern experiences. Everyone has had great experiences and everyone has a couple of those intern horror stories. Here's my gem.

I worked for a small non profit theatre that shall remain nameless in rural Georgia. One of my responsibilites for this company was doing their paperwork for their summer children's theatre tour. This paperwork was done in a small free standing trailer adjacent to the building. One day a very bad smell entered the trailer. We searched high and low but nothing came of our search. My co-intern, who I shall name Tim, went and complained to the Company Manager who was our immediate supervisor. She was a large woman (to put it kindly) and really loved flannel. She came thundering in our little trailer with the announcement that a possum must have died under the trailer, again. Again? Could one of us go underneath the trailer and get it? Tim, being the gentleman he was, volunteered me for this job. And so, my shining hour in this intern position was removing a dead possum from under the management office. This was actually one of highlights of this six week position as it was an overall demeaning but character building experience.

The icing on the cake... This internship was unpaid.

Please share all your hellish theatre intern stories in our comment section - they'll make Steven feel better!


  • Bella
    11 October 2012

    BEST ARTICLE EVER!!! So funny. I never interned before and now I am really glad I didn't.
  • Vlad
    11 October 2012

    Agree with above comment. Short and to the point. Fun and simple

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