Message from our new editor.


First of all, a big thank you to Tom Hope and Meaghan McGurgan for this fantastic opportunity. Not too long ago I was thinking that I, unfortunately, don't spend much time writing and that I would very much enjoy the opportunity to do so more often.

A few weeks later I was asked to take care of this website, and so here we are! Wish granted!  (Now I want a million dollar, CY fired, Trump in a mental home…. Yeah ok, you got the gist). 

I have always seen potential in this town despite being a difficult place to be. I created Aurora Theatre years ago thinking that an active contribution to this city can actively make a difference. The more groups there are, the more vibrant the scene can be. 

This platform is here to serve the community and to help to attract more people to the local arts scene. Don’t hesitate to share ideas with us; communicate to us how we can serve you better and how we can help your group grow. 

I’m excited about this project, and I can’t wait to see how things will develop. 

Last but not least I’d like to thank Lizzi Wood for helping me settling in and for her fantastic job at The Hecklers. 

I haven’t seen that many smiley, happy people in a while, and that surely felt good. 


Nicole Garbellini, 