Moment of Honesty...
Every month I ask the Artists of the Month what is one thing they would change in the Hong Kong art scene? We've gotten a variety of answers from venue prices, to breaking down the barrier between the Chinese and English art communities, to our recent AoM going after the local ego-maniacs.
But we've never asked our audience what they would change?
Time for a moment of honesty!
What's your pet peeve in the Hong Kong art scene? What would you change if you could? Feel free to make your comments anonymous. This is an open platform where we can talk about all the things that bug us, in a constructive manner...
Enjoy the cat picture we have included with the article. It has nothing to do with the subject matter. We wish there were more cat related art in Hong Kong.
Venues Venues Venues
The venues are the number one thing that need to change. They are too expensive, the staff are too uncaring about the quality of the performances, they're booked too far ahead that local groups can't get it.
07 June 2013
Don't even get me started on the fringe club renovations. That's the biggest disappointment. It used to be the bustling heart of the art world. Since they re-did it and made it members only? Empty.Audition woes
Why are so many auditions in Hong Kong kept so hush hush? The cliquishness of the theatre community needs to be broken. It's the same people getting lead roles in every play and its always the same supporting faces. How is theatre in Hong Kong supposed to evolve when directors keep choosing their regulars for parts and keep their auditions so quiet? There are a few facebook pages that post audition information but what we need is a website (perhaps a tab of hkeld?) that shows a list of ALL upcoming auditions in HK. And directors, give newcomers a chance! Let theatre in HK grow!
07 June 2013Joe Joe
The way people tear eachother down in town has to stop. Why does it matter that this show sells out and yours doesn't? We should be supportive of eachother not ripping eachother apart.
07 June 2013
Your Artist of the Month had it right. Egos in this town need to taken down a notch. A quartly meeting where we set all the BS aside and talk about our upcoming schedules/props needed/etc would be extremely beneficial to the community and then we wouldn't all book on the same weekend.
We need to talk to each other and stop acting like kids.bear
The staff at the Fringe Club.
07 June 2013Shakah
Totally agree about the audition woes. Can I also add that some of the male directors act like total creepers. It's not ok, it's basically sexual harassment.
07 June 2013Money
We need more of it.
07 June 2013acr9e
I said this in the Glorious review a couple weeks ago and I stand by it. Some people can't take criticism. They think their shit don't stank. Samantha Leese left Timeout because of the crap people in the community gave her.
07 June 2013Snark
We wish you would learn to write better. We want a theater critic in Hong Kong who actually knows what their talking about.
07 June 2013Theatre in HK
I wish commenters would have better writing skills before accusing others of not knowing how to write. (PS -- it is "what THEY'RE talking about").
07 June 2013
To answer the question posed by the article, I believe it really comes down to venues and how affordable they are. More venues, easier to hire, and for a cheaper cost would help wonders.Sarah
I wish we would all lighten up and remember that it's supposed to be fun!
07 June 2013HKMum
I wish there were more family friendly shows and that the tickets were more affordable. Over 250 dollars for an amateur production is just too much... And the prices of some of the tours are outrageous. Kidsfest was ridiculous!
07 June 2013Ella
This is going to sound silly compared to the other comments but I wish we could drink in the shows. It would make the exprience a lot better, especially when the show is bad. And the Mcauley is WAAAAYYYY too cold. My nipples almost froze off while watching Judas.
07 June 2013SCMP
Fire Kevin Kwong! He's a worthless sack of shit!
07 June 2013Brit
I wish that people in our community would generally be more positive. You don't have to see the worst in everything first. Things can always be better but our theatre market is growing stronger everyday through the hard work of people who do it for free.
07 June 2013Ping
The expat and local communities shouldn't be so seperated. We should work together more. The wall that divides us only make us weaker.
07 June 2013Sarah
Amateur shows are so greedy with their ticket prices. 200 dollars? Sometimes more? I want to support amateur theatre but they need to get a grip. Minumum wage in HK is $30 dollars an hour. For teachers its about $80 dollars an hour. If your show is worth 2 and a half to 6 and a half hours works it better be fucking amazing.
07 June 2013pissed
Directors here are such snobs. Yes in hong kong you might be the be all because you put on your average shows, pay the actors 100 dollars each (if even) and get a glowing review written by your best friend. Outside of HK you are absolutely nobody. If they went to New York or anywhere else with the attitude they carry around absolutely noone would want to work with them. Directors here NEED to get over themselves. Especially Nicole Garbellini, she needs to get off her high horse
07 June 2013Bullies
I believe the article said "constructive criticism". Yes, we could benefit from some of the director's in town taking it down a notch but name calling isn't going to benefit anyone and I don't believe that's what Meaghan wanted when she wrote this article. That was mean.
07 June 2013lui
The venues are the main problem. They cost too much for us to make profits. We have to charge 200 dollars just to break even, sarah!
07 June 2013Jess
Unfortunately the high ticket prices are a reflection of the expensive venues.
07 June 2013
It makes me sad reading comments that attack Meaghan and HKeld's critics - when they are always out to support the community while all some people can do is complain about how people are too stupid to realise how amazing they are.
The ones who really should get the praise is the artists who work their ass off for no pay and the audience memebers who come despite the prices, despite the freezing nipples and despite the primadonna directors. Lucky there is no acting union or some of these directors would never get to put on a show again. And those who take advantage of their position to sexually harass...who tell hell do you think you are?
Long live Hong Kong!Diu
I agree. I would change the attitude of some people. So sad to go see shows with some incredible talent who are so humble and yet the one or two talentless **** with huge egos ruin it for everyone.
07 June 2013Mango
Cat picture so funny!
07 June 2013Pac
At least HKELD gives people a place to vent! Great job :)
07 June 2013Curious
When we pay so much for the tickets, is it really all going to the venue? Or are the actors getting paid too? Do actors get paid in HK?
07 June 2013Honesty Pays
Depends on the show and the company. You'd have to be more specific. Some shows the actors get a stipend. Hong kong players, act, hong kong singers are considered community theaters and do not pay the performers. Some shows shockingly make actors pay membership fees to join shows which helps cover the cost of the venues, costumes, rights, and such but I think is pretty tacky since the actors don't get the money back.
07 June 2013Hker
Its no wonder talented artists are forced to leave - they arent supported enough....
07 June 2013Sad
People/ venues take advanatage of an audience who are desperate to see/ support art/ artists & the performers who are desperate to perform/ demonstrate their art. Why isn't there an actors union here?
07 June 2013Honesty Pays
If you want one, start one.
07 June 2013Wow
Thanks hkeld for giving us a place to vent our frustrations. We obviously have had a lot pent up. Sorry we exploded all over your comment wall... :(
07 June 2013Hannah
Wooo! Actors Union! Let's do it!
08 June 2013Mark
The person who accused Nicole's "best friend" of writing good reviews for her obviously didn't read Meaghan's review of Private Lives.
08 June 2013Conner
This is one of the most interesting threads I've read in a while on the hong kong theatre scene. I had no idea the actor's don't get paid or the venues are so expensive. Thanks hkeld for opening my eyes a bit to the problems, it makes me a bit more informed when I got to the shows.
08 June 2013Venues
How expensive are the venues?
08 June 2013Ginny
Places like the jockey club and fringe take a ticket cut of your profits. Other places are anywhere from 8,000 to 30,000 for a week.
09 June 2013A
This has been a really interesting read. I'm hoping we can have more open talks like this in the future. Thanks Megan for starting it.
09 June 2013Actor and Director
My pet peeve is that this community of talented and creative people is so fragmented. Even with HKELD, news and support for new projects are hard to come by. And then there are the egos- person A won't support person B because of a comment or a any number of minor slights, or a few major ones. How can a community of artists ask the larger community to support our collective work if we don't. Let go of negative baggage, or better yet, use it for your art, just don't let it get in the way of supporting and growing the collective good works of the community.
10 June 2013YOLO
Part of me wonders if the fragmentation in our community is based the differences in our ages. A lot of the older members of the community don't really embrace the newer actors in town or give us a chance. They come across as cold. Some older producers don't really understand how social media marketing works.
10 June 2013Irked
Turn off your fuckin mobiles!
12 June 2013Actor from New York
Sucks about the high price of venues, but kind of makes sense. ALl the theater venues people are using are in the highest rent districts in Hong Kong. I think Hong Kong needs to do what they did in NY, move the independent theater across the water to a cheaper place.
14 June 2013
I say the HK theater community should set up base somewhere in Kowloon like Yau Mau Tei or Tai Kok Tsui. Make that the Williamsburg of Hong Kong.blogger
Web design 101 we learn never use colored backgrounds for large blocks of text. It hurts the readers eyes. Love the site but hate the green background. You gotta change it. It looks so angelfire website from 99.
19 June 2013